The Ultimate Guide

How To Get Clients For Your Digital Marketing Agency in 2022

In this article and videos we will explore a few different ways in finding clinets for your digital marketing agency at no cost. This is especially great for starting agencies but you can implement the strategies for growth as well.

So let's start with what these 7 Strategies on getting clients for your digital agency in 2021:

  1. Creating a custom pages/websites for your pitch to customers
  2. Joining freelance and business groups on Facebook/Reddit
  3. Mocking up potential client's pages for free in 15 minutes
  4. How to pick niche markets in which to find customers
  5. Finding clients using Google Maps
  6. Demo calls - my favorite method for conversions
  7. Searching in business directories

Personalized Pages

Freelance and Business Groups

Designing for Free

Pick A Niche

Google Maps Businesses

Demo Calls

Business Directories

It is really simple - HUSTLE!

Especially if you are starting, this is the way to get your first customers and establish good practices to do it in a scale. Hustling will help you build a scalable strategy for the future on how to pursuit similar customers but in a more efficiant way. Below we are going to see a few strategies that can help you increase your conversion rates and channels to find new clients for your digital marketing agency.

Strategy #1: Personalized Page

Creating a personalized page as part of your pitch for web services can have an amazing impact on the conversion rates.

With Simvoly it takes you literally a few minutes to skeetch a branded page or a website for a potential new client for your digital agency.

People LOVE to see actual results and not empty words as that's how most people market themselves. Be different, show something that looks nice and shows personalized approach.

This is especially awesome if you are approaching them for:

  • Building their business website or landing pages
  • Creating sales or lead generation campaigns for their business
  • Setting up Facebook and Google ads

All that, combined with a personalized page or a few slides about the approach to their business show a great professionalism and commitment.

Here is a quick video on how to start building pages with Simvoly

This strategy will take you no more than 10-15 minutes to implement by customizing a landing page for a potential new client for your digital marketing agency. With adding their branding, a few images, and texts inspired by their industry but it will make a world of difference + it costs you nothing to build such pages and funnels with Simvoly.

Strategy #2: Freelance Groups

You can join freelance groups on Facebook / Reddit where businesses are posting jobs that often are in the digital space. This is a great way to find a few new customers for your business.

This is how we found our first customers back in the days, it is not a scalable strategy but it works for a few extra customers when you get started.

Strategy #3: Design For Free

Especially when you are establishing yourself as a digital agency or a freelancer, it is important to build that skill up. Designing for free for your first 5-10 customers is a great way to acquire new clients.

You can use those happy customers (hopefully they are happy with the results) as testimonials for your digital agency to help you acquire new ones.

Don't forget, happy customer is a repeating customer. When you don't want something in return, they will be very likely to come back to you and hire you for to do more work for them and maybe manage their whole online operations.

Create the design for a few hours to a day according to the customer's needs and if they are happy, just ask them to subscribe to one of your plans (if you are using the Simvoly White Label program). If you haven't checked it yet - this is a program that gives you the best all-in-one platform for agencies where you can create your pricing plans and bill the customer a subscription fee.

I think that's a great place to mention the new shift in the Agency space - Subscriptions!

What do I mean by this is the shifting trend in companies to change to the Subscription-base model. Apple started doing it, Microsoft has been doing it for years, as well as Sony with PlayStation.

This makes the entry barier almost non-existent and it will build up to higher profit with time.That's why having your own software as a service platform that allows you to build for customers and charge them a recurring fee for their:

  • Website
  • Funnels
  • CRM
  • Email Marketing
  • Appointments

All-in-one platform is so amazing and so different than what the past 20+ years have been with the boom of the internet.

In the long run, your profits will be way higher from customers that usually will stick with you for an average of 5-7 years. Think about it, what do you prefer:

  • Paying $2000 upfront for a website hosted somewhere that you still have to pay at least $15/month for an ok hosting + have to pay separately for other software for emails, CRM, etc.
  • Paying $30-50/month with a few hundred dollars upfront for the design + access to all these tools that are at a more affordable price since they are on the same platform.

The risk is SO MUCH LOWER (almost non-existent) with the second option + it is more convenient at the end of the day. If that customer sticks with you for let's say even 3 years, you'd make the same amount + have the ability to upsell them SO MANY other services that you provide as a digital agency.

Strategy #4: Pick A Niche

If it is possible, pick a niche. Don't try to solve the problems to all businesses. Pick a specific market or markets (2/3) that you have some experience or customers in and find more of those people.

Think of the following aspects when identifying a niche market:

  • How big of a problem do they have in the digital space?
  • How can you solve their problem quicker and faster than others?
  • How urgent is that problem? (usually getting more and more urgent with the digitalization of businesses nowadays)
  • How much they can spend?
  • How to show the value of your services and product?
  • How easy it is to get to businesses in this market?

Find the combination of importance on all these points and you will find the niche markets that are pretty good to start with. You can rank each section with 1 to 5 and the markets with the biggest scores would be the best to pursuit.

Strategy #5: Finding Customers On Google Maps

After you select a few markets to start with, a cool way to find customers for your digital agency is on Google Maps by searching for that niche. You can find them locally or actually anywhere that you want in the world.

The reason I like this strategy when trying to find the first customers for your digital marketing agency is that these businesses understand the value of finding clients online (since they are already on google maps). In many of the cases, you will see that they don't have a website or if they do, might be very outdated.

You can reach out to them with a personalized pitch + a page/website that you created quickly for them and ask them for a quick demo call. Which leads to Strategy #6 - Demo Calls.

Strategy #6: Demo Calls

This is my favorite way to convert potential customers for your digital agency. It is so much easier when you have a the attention of someone for 15-30 minutes to present what you do and how you can help their business.

It works especially well if you preapare upfront a page/site mockup if they are interested in web design, an email flow if they want email marketing, or a few ideas about their other digital marketing strategies.

You can set up your demo call page in minutes and connect with your Google calendar to start accepting appointments with potential customers for your digital agency.

We are still doing demo calls with digital agencies and we have weeks where we convert 100% of them to customers. The fact that you can show how amazing and easy the platform is, answer all the doubts and questions of the potential customer is priceless!

Strategy #7: Finding Businesses On Business Directories

There are directories with businesses that you can use for lead generation. It is hit or miss there (usually a miss) but it is a decent way to hustle a bit more and try to contact a few more businesses in a specific niche that way.

TIP: Don't try to sell in your pitch to potential customers, GIVE value for free to create trust and for them to see that you want to help them achieve their goals.

That's why creating a custom page/website according to their brand elevates your as someone they can trust and hire.

Learn how to start your digital agency, build for customers and find new clients [60+ videos]

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